Friday, August 9, 2013

An offer.

Heads or tails. That's what we often do when it comes to making a choice. I don't know why, I've always wanted to be different (try and analyze that, psychologists!), so while everyone else said heads, I always said tails. I've been asked before why I picked "Headzortales" as my domain, here's why: When I'm old, and people ask me if I really lived life, I want to say that I did, and I want to have stories (or tales) to tell. So instead of just choosing heads, I choose tales. Linguistically, we also say head[z] (it totally wasn't because "headsortales" was already chosen haha), but really try saying it out loud. Did you know it sounded like a z?!

Continuing with my (life) tale though... an offer has been made. (Oooooh that makes it sound so much more mysterious.) Anyone who talked to me a couple months ago knew that I had no idea where I wanted to be. Originally the goal, for a long time, was always Taiwan. I felt like that door closed somewhere earlier this year, and I forced myself to move on, with lots of support from my friends and family (and a lot of phone calls, tissues, and ice cream).  Then the decision came down to LA or NYC, as I didn't particularly want to start again somewhere new. I've loved every moment as a newbie in NYC, but the thought of starting anew somewhere, especially in my first year of teaching, just seemed overwhelming.

As motivated as I was to find a job though, I didn't actively search like I should have. While in LA for my sister's graduation, I got a generic email from a school looking for a Mandarin teacher. I decided to give it a shot, and things just kinda picked up from there. Long story short, it worked out. I know some people think I'm crazy for only interviewing at one school, but I believe things work out the way they need to (as mentioned in my graduation post). This school was exactly what I was looking for, and I'm so excited to be starting a Mandarin program. Honestly, that phone call with the principal still seems so surreal; sometimes I think it hasn't really sunk in. Every little thing at this point makes me giddy: activating my work email, getting emails from the NYC DOE, penciling in school meetings and holidays (yes, I may have done that for the whole academic year already).

I can't believe that this dream of being a teacher is really happening. Thanks everyone for all the support and positive feedback you've given me in the last couple of years, it's time for a new beginning!

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