Friday, May 3, 2013

Parents are love.

Due to a very hectic schedule lately, this post is long over-due. Better late than never!

I was so blessed to have an amazing spring break; one that included a short-trip home to LA, 24 hours in Vegas, and back to NY with 2 amazing people: the parentals. What's special about this trip was that 1) my parents had never both visited me at the same time, and this was because 2) it was my mom's first trip EVER to NYC (and the East Coast, for that matter). I know they don't like being splattered all over the internet, but oh well!

Unfortunately, I feel like asking other people to take pics always comes out to blurry pictures :(

 It doesn't count as a NY trip unless we be tourists and head to Times Square. Their lovely daughter treated them to two shows: Newsies and Breakfast at Tiffanys. Man, she's so great.

Yes, we even took a mid-week trip to see Obama. Washington, D.C!

Grand Central. I dont know why, maybe I like backs more than fronts. hahaha

My parents are too cute. @Lombardi's, the "first pizza place in the U.S." That's what their sign tells me anyway.

And of course, they came to see me at my new habitat, also known as NYU. Such proud parents!
It snowed when we went uptown for the day. Us Californians got very excited to see snow actually falling!

Lastly, my favorite secret spot. 
I found this treasure when I actually took the time to flip through all the photos, and I was very surprised to find this one. It's a keeper. I'm so lucky to have such awesome parents. <33

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