Wednesday, January 2, 2013


la. new york. chicago. taipei. kaohsiung. baltimore. philly.

2012 has been the craziest ride yet. I think I say that at the end of every year, I'm sure eventually life will calm down (when I die). Until then, it continues to be one large pile of excitement.

The biggest lesson learned this year is one I should've already known: the depth of  my support system, whether its new friends or the ones that have been with me since i could barely separate my languages.

My friends and family are the best. I've received so much love and support during some of the most trying times of my life. From finishing my first year of grad school working a cushy work-study job to starting the second year working 2 part-time teaching jobs, along with my first semester of student teaching, and some-what maintaining my grad school status has been the most stressful time yet.

But enough of that, thank you to everyone for this past year; you're the reason why I still smile. (All photos are in a place far, far away, had to steal photos from fb. There are so many more awesome photos that have yet to be published)
I made awesome new friends!

2011 Christmas Eve compared to....
2012 late-night Christmas Eve.

My best friend with her love (and Alex).
last meal of 2011.
last faces of 2012.
Last but not least, the family. Always there. Always full of love.

2013, let's go.

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